According to the article on Aviation Week, medical reform includes that new pilot’swill only need to obtain FAA medical certification one time to establish benchmark of their health, instead of repeating the visit to an examiner. And any pilots currently having the medical within 10 years can also meet thecondition.(McMillin, 2015) Instead of going to see the FAA examiner, they can also to do health
test online and see a personal doctor, and recording onto the log book. According
to General Aviation News, the agenda of the medical reform is to “reduce barriers to medicalcertification in a manner that allows for the continued safe operation ofgeneral aviation aircraft while providing cost savings to both the FAA and thegeneral aviation community” (General Aviation News, 2015) As we can see it is beneficial to both pilot
community and the FAA, pilots will be required to visit examiner much lesser
than it required before. However the reform of the medication need to be ensure
the safety, efficiency and standard of aviation.
According to the an article on AOPA, The Pilots’ Bill of
Rights 2 was passed by the end of 2015, however there are still . According Elizabeth Tennyson, the Senior Director of
communication of AOPA, she states that the current extension of FAA fund willbe expired in March 31 which leaving limited time for the house and senate tosend to the president.(Tennyson, 2016) However the FAA might file a father extension. For her
article, as we can see that it is very hard to estimate when will the reform
actually happening. It takes a lot of time to get everything approved since a lot of oppose voice might be rise by the difference side of the society. there are still a lot of consideration need to be process before the actual reform happens.
As one of the aspect is to reduce the visit the FAA examiner,
the pilot can able to do the simple exams online and also visit a personal health
inspector and put the health record onto their log books. (McMillin, 2015) To pro of the aspect
is to reduce the cost of the pilot for visiting the FAA certified examiner
which might be very costly to the pilots. However oppose side, it is difficult
to maintain the standard, as the responsibility of the exam will be moved from
FAA certified examiner to the personal physician that he pilot found, is it
hard to tell if the personal physician is doing the right job that meets the
FAA standard, and the honesty of the pilot might be challenged since pilot
might be able to hide some of their health conditions.
For me personally I support the reform and I think it is
necessary, only if the cost of the reform will be lesser than the benefits, and
the safety standard can be maintained. Since it is a cost saving for both FAA
and the pilots, and it will be more flexible for the pilots and reduce a lot of
process. Since most private pilot flies for their own leisure instead of
commercial flying, It is alright to give
some responsibilities for private pilot to keep impact their own health
condition, FAA should come out with a plan that how would they maintain the
standard and inspection of the log book that records the pilot’s health
GA advocates urge Congress to support medical reform. (2015). Retrieved from
Millin, M. (2015, December 11). Third-Class Medical Reform Moves To Senate. Retrieved from
Millin, M. (2015, December 11). Third-Class Medical Reform Moves To Senate. Retrieved from
Tennyson, E. (2016, January 14). Next steps for medical reform. Retrieved from