
Current status of UAVS

UAVs, also commonly been called as drone, is firstly a military technology that commonly uses for capture image around the world for national defense issues. UAVs technology Is now currently developed into civilian uses. The civilian uses are usually image captures purpose, for example farming, movie filming, news reporting, photograph, real state. Also there are package or mail delivery service operating by using drones.(Techworld, 2016) The development of the civilian uses is causing a significant increase in the number of drone operators. However as the uses of UAVs are significant growing, there is more safety concern rising regarding the operation of UAVs. According to FAA official website. There are different rule according to different model and different uses. For hobby and recreational uses, the aircraft need no be registered if it’s weigh under 55 pounds and operating height under 500 feet. However UAVs operation is strictly banned form operating in a flight path or location close to an airport (FAA, 2015) For business uses, there are several different kinds of certificate need to be applied which includes Special Airworthiness certificates, UAS type and airworthiness certificates and petition for Exemption with a civil Certificate of Waiver or Authorization. However operating UAVs during a special sports event, airshow or any populated area need further special approval from FAA.(FAA,2015)

I do see UAV is integrating with national airspace, because some of the operators are lack of knowledge of rules and regulation regarding operation of UAVs, in terms of altitude and weight limitations, and location of operating. It is also very hard to enforce the violations since they could be operating anywhere anytime. Also the technology develops, the UAVs technology should becoming more common and the number of operator should be keep on growing, there will be more violation happens around the U.S which might potentially causing hazard. FAA should widely inform the rules and more education should be done.

According to the article posted by Drone study center at Bard College. As the development of technology became more advanced. The U.S military had been switching into “Stand off” strategy. The U.S military is investing heavily on long range precision weapon such as long range missile and precision guild munitions, so that the military could reduce amount of ground troop that is deployed to the battle few and fight for the war in the distance. As the article also mentions that drone is a revolutionary invention for “stand off” weapons embodying the best of long-range precision strike and reconnaissance ideals. (Gettinger, 2013) the “stand off” strategy will significantly reduce the lost of life during a battle, in economic point of view it is worth it to put investment to avoid putting troop life into danger.

Field Coordinator & Construction Photographer 
This is Photographer job for a construction company, which requires operarion of drone for image capture.

This is a UAV operation position that is for Airware’s customers and partners. Plan, fly, and deliver aerial data for a variety of applications



15 best uses of drones in business. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.techworld.com/picture-gallery/personal-tech/6-best-uses-of-drones-in-business-3605145/ 

Gettinger, D. (2013). Are Drones Revolutionary? Retrieved from http://dronecenter.bard.edu/drones-revolutionary/ 

 Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Frequently Asked Questions. (Dec, 2015). Retrieved from https://www.faa.gov/uas/faq/#qn2 

2 条评论:

  1. I think the military has greatly benefited from UAVs it allows our troops to be in combat without having to risk their life during these internee operations UAVs are used in. Like you I agree that do need to regulated for civilian use, and it needs to be addressed soon as UAVs become more popular than ever.

  2. Hey Harry have you considered getting a drone and performing aerial photography? I noticed you seem to enjoy photography quite a bit and the pictures you take are great! I'm curious as to how they can get such high resolution photos captured from a moving drone.
